Loclink: Unity Localization Workflow Revolution
agosto 15, 2016
Native Prime is very happy to announce at Gamescom 2016 the release of Loclink: a game changer in Unity localization workflow.
Loclink is a Unity plugin that connects Unity to memoQ, the best games localization platform, allowing to send and receive loc assets with one click. Loclink also imports string IDs and comments that provide context for each segment, supports plural formsand integrates with already ongoing projects.
Loclink allows you to reduce time consuming localization project management to the point where you are be able to do as many text updates as you want with just one click. It is a real direct bridge between development and localization worlds: a giant leap in the Unity localization universe. 🙂
Drop an email to global[at]nativeprime.com to set a meeting or just pass by Native Prime’s booth at Gamescom (03.2, C017e) to see a demo and get the plugin!
Native Prime provides gamers all over the world with the best emotional gaming experience in their language. We localize games supporting developers and publishers at every step of the loc process, hitting the highest standards in localization outcomes, through our 20+ incountry offices/partners and our reliable structure and workflows.
We measure our success by the way we touch gamers, clients, and our collaborators’ lives.
Best Regards,
Native Prime Team