Getting to know Jesús Redondo Moreno
junio 28, 2023

Hello there!
I’m Jesús, PM from Spain, and Judit, our social media manager (yes, I’m mentioning you, stop hiding!) asked me to answer a few questions for whoever wants to know more about me. 😄
Let’s start with the most difficult question: who the heck am I?
I studied translation from English, French, German, and Catalan to Spanish, but, honestly, I’ve almost always worked from English and I’m a little bit rusty with the others, so if you try to talk to me in another language my answer may be a gaze lost in the horizon and a nod of my head. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you! If you want to get some notions about my personality, you must know that my biggest passion is theater, and I’ve been hitting stages for most of my life. #Funfact, I’m also a dubbing actor, host in events, specialist in dad jokes, and a nerd in general.
I’ve been asked several times why am I a PM if I actually like translating and, believe me, there are reasons. First of all, money at the end of the month we DO translate things. Don’t think we’ve forgotten what is to translate and stick to deadlines. Actually, I really think that a good PM should know what it is in order to understand who are you dealing with and what is everyone capable to do. A lot of people think that being a good PM means saying yes to everything, but it is vital to take care of the linguists too.
Also, I have to say that working as a PM is funnier than you may think! I didn’t know what it was about when I started working on this a few years ago, and I found a work where I am half of the day talking to people at every step of the localization chain, from clients to linguists. And yes, the client is also a person, not an abstract entity (usually)!
I try to explain this to my students every year (I’m also a professor in a Master of Translation, btw): to be a good PM you need to be patient and organized, but it is also important to have people skills and know how to find good GIFs.
Now, a confession: I played waaay more video games when I didn’t work on them. I used to come back home from work, turn on the computer and play the latest game. Now, I finish my work and close the computer. Shame on me, I know. Still, there is something I won’t ever get tired of playing: all the LEGO games. I mean… destroying all the scenarios with my favorite characters from my favorite sagas? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, LEGO.
I must have to assign an absurd amount of words yet, so I have to go now, my planet needs me.
See you soon! 😉
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