Tag: Video games
Getting to know Jesús Redondo Moreno
Hello there! I’m Jesús, PM from Spain, and Judit, our social media manager (yes, I’m mentioning you, stop hiding!) asked me to answer a few questions for whoever wants to...
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Getting to know Nicola Zonca
Hi everyone! I’m Nicola Zonca, ¼ of Native Prime’s co-founders, in charge of the Italian division as a Sound Expert. Do you know my journey started playing on tour...
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Getting to know Diana Díaz Montón
Hello, world! 👋 I’m Diana Díaz Montón, one of Native Prime’s co-founders and Localization Specialist in charge of the Spanish division. You might be wondering… how did I get here?...
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“Le générique en français vaut son pesant de cacahuètes entre "les rebus de l'épicerie du coin", "on a la tête dans le seau mais ça va" et "dégustons, les côtes porc", on n'est servi ! Le jeu est d 'ailleurs bien traduit avec quelques répliques bien folles...”