Tag: translation


Getting to know Diana Díaz Montón

Hello, world! 👋   I’m Diana Díaz Montón, one of Native Prime’s co-founders and Localization Specialist in charge of the Spanish division. You might be wondering… how did I get here?...

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Getting to know Vincent Percevault

Today we have the honor of having one of the co-founder of Native Prime in the section! He is Vincent Percevault and he works from France as part of the...

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Getting to know Julia Othlinghaus

We start our first “Getting to know” section with one of our excellent Project Managers. Julia has been working in the German office since 2011 and she has been in...

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Mention “Native Prime did an awesome job with localization of Pollen into English and 7 other languages. They were precise, fast and the price was cheap compared to the quality.”

Pollen – Mindfield 1/2
