Tag: Native Prime


Here’s why you should localize your game for e-stores

When you localize your game’s file for e-stores, your product gets a whole world of new opportunities. Do you want to know why? Let’s see each aspect of a game...

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What is exactly a “cultural consultant” and how can they benefit your game?

A cultural consultant is a professional that ensures a respectful portrait of a particular culture in your game and verifies that your game does not contain anything culturally offensive for...

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Getting to know Diana Díaz Montón

Hello, world! 👋   I’m Diana Díaz Montón, one of Native Prime’s co-founders and Localization Specialist in charge of the Spanish division. You might be wondering… how did I get here?...

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Mention “Die Charaktere und deren Geplänkel sind lustig, die Einzeiler von Sherl passen auch auf Deutsch perfekt – da schmunzeln nicht nur die Jüngsten. Alles in allem kann man nur sagen, dass der erste Switch-Titel von Layton voll gelungen ist!”

Layton’s Mystery Journey – Deluxe Edition for Switch – Beyond Pixels

Beyond Pixels