Tag: Native Prime


Getting to know Jesús Redondo Moreno

Hello there! I’m Jesús, PM from Spain, and Judit, our social media manager (yes, I’m mentioning you, stop hiding!) asked me to answer a few questions for whoever wants to...

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Getting to know Andrés Sánchez Cubero

Hi everyone! I’m Andrés Sánchez, and I’m one part of the incredible team of project managers working with Native Prime Spain taking care of all the different aspects of preparing...

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Getting to know Maren Garn

Hello there! I’m Maren and have been working for Native Prime since 2012 as Hamburg-based German Project Manager, translator, proofreader, and LQA tester, first freelance, now employed. I was born...

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Mention “Localizing this game was an immense challenge, and we couldn’t have asked for a better partner than Native Prime. Thank you for the dedication and the joy you brought to the process.”

Guildlings – Jamie

Jamie Antonisse
Creative Director, Sirvo Studios

Working with us

Hello everyone! We’re always on the lookout for new collaborators! Do you want to know what we expect from you? Keep reading.   Applications Like any other company, we receive...

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Getting to know Nicola Zonca

Hi everyone!   I’m Nicola Zonca, ¼ of Native Prime’s co-founders, in charge of the Italian division as a Sound Expert. Do you know my journey started playing on tour...

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